Manifest awesomeness, radiate confidence, and live your truth.
You'll be surprised how massively you can shift in just 7 days.
You'll get the challenge ebook, Radical Self-Love: 7 Days to Radiating Confidence, Living Your Truth, and Manifesting Awesomeness! AND the life-changing Body Love Guided Meditation - FREE. 
You're Gonna Learn
Why it's not your fault if you're struggling.
You likely learned bad beliefs from authority figures in your life, which just is not your fault. 

I'll show you how to identify the ones causing you the problems, get to the root of where they came from, and replace them with empowering beliefs that support your true awesomeness.  
Why self-love is magic
If you've ever wanted to wave a magic wand and get the life you desire, self-love is as close as it gets. 

When you truly radiate with self-love, you align with your desires. It's like a moth to a flame!
how to shift into radiant self-love 
(and manifest awesomeness)
Do the 7 days of revolutionary self-love practices and you'll be amazed at how empowered, radiant, and confident you will be!
I can't believe how much this little book and guided meditation practice changed how I view myself. And, by changing that, I notice that I'm attracting so many more great experiences and people to my life. Tara takes you on a journey that really does shift how you view yourself and your power."
-Michelle R, Ohio
© Radical Self-Love Challenge- All Rights Reserved. This book was made with a lot of ♥
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